
While my title may be misleading as it is the end of August, I only write that because I was recently cast in UW-Manitowoc's production of RENT!!!  I'm so excited--Rent was pretty much the show that made me so interested in the arts, and molded me into the person I am today.  It's such an honor to actually be a part of this amazing show.

I will be in the ensemble, but unlike other musicals, the ensemble parts are CRAZY busy!  Many different characters, songs, dances and fun stuff!  I know right now that I will be a part of Santa Fe, Christmas Bells, various homeless people scenes, and of course, my personal fav, LA VIE BOHEME!

That's pretty much the big news as of right now.  I'm also involved in a scene from The Good Doctor for Masquers' 80th Season Show for the season ticket holders.  It's a fun piece, but I'm glad I got it all learned before the Rent craziness started!

School shall be starting in about a week and a half...And I couldn't be more excited!  Bring on the Arts Management and Dance!

Well, until the next time...peace, love, and Glee! (Which will be starting next month, I may add..JOY!)
